Multiple questions

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General QuestionsMultiple questions
Charlotte Scott asked 6 years ago

  1. Do you have a sample or example or template showing how to discharge fines, fees, taxes, and judgments?
  2. Where do I find the proper forms or application for filing for an international driver's permit?
  3. Can you send me a form or example showing how to purchase property using the line of credit?
  4. As a spouse to a secure party creditor, what is my standing as to how I should file my tax return? What tax rights do I have in respect to filing my tax return jointly with him or should it be filed separately?
  5. The reason I am asking the questions for my spouse is that he is incarcerated and has limited access to information. If there is any other information you feel would be beneficial to him, please post that as well.

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