search-and-seizure warrant.See SEARCH WARRANT. sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp. in restricted waters such as harbors…
search-and-seizure warrant.See SEARCH WARRANT. sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp. in restricted waters such as harbors…
sea pass.See SEA LETTER. sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp. in restricted waters such as harbors…
search,n.1.Criminal procedure. An examination of a person’s body, property, or other area that the person would reasonably be expected to consider as private, conducted by…
seaman’s will.See soldier’s will under WILL. sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp. in restricted waters such…
seaman.Maritime law. Under the Jones Act and the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, a person who is attached to a navigating vessel as an…
seal of the United States.See great seal (1) under SEAL. sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp.…
seal of the state.See great seal (2) under SEAL. sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp. in…
seal of cause.Scots law. The seal of a burgh court, by which a royal burgh could, consistently with its charter powers, create a subordinate corporation…
sealing of records.The act or practice of officially preventing access to particular (esp. juvenile-criminal) records, in the absence of a court order. Cf. EXPUNGEMENT OF…
sea letter.Hist. A manifest issued during a war by authorities of a port where a neutral vessel is fitted, certifying the vessel’s nationality, specifying the…
sealed will.See mystic will under WILL. sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp. in restricted waters such…
sealed verdict.See VERDICT. sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp. in restricted waters such as harbors and…
sealed testament.See mystic will under WILL. sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp. in restricted waters such…
sealed-record statute.See CONFIDENTIALITY STATUTE. sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp. in restricted waters such as harbors…
sealed instrument.At common law and under some statutes, an instrument to which the bound party has affixed a personal seal, usu. recognized as providing indisputable…
sealed contract.See contract under seal under CONTRACT. [Blacks Law 8th]
sealed-container rule.Products liability. The principle that a seller is not liable for a defective product if the seller receives the product from the manufacturer and…
sealed bid.See BID(2). [Blacks Law 8th]
sealed and delivered.See SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED. [Blacks Law 8th]
sea law.See MARITIME LAW. [Blacks Law 8th]
sea lane.Int’l & maritime law. A designated course or regularly used route for ships, esp. in restricted waters such as harbors and straits. • Although…
seal,n.1. A fastening that must be broken before access can be obtained; esp., a device or substance that joins two things, usu. making the seam…
seagoing vessel.See VESSEL. [Blacks Law 8th]
sea brief.See SEA LETTER. [Blacks Law 8th]
seabed. The sea floor; the ground underlying the ocean, over which nations may assert sovereignty, esp. if underlying their territorial waters. [Blacks Law 8th]
sea. 1. The ocean <on the sea>.2. A large landlocked part of the ocean; a large body of salt water smaller than a regular ocean…
S.E.abbr.SOUTH EASTERN REPORTER. [Blacks Law 8th]
s/d b/l.abbr.Sight draft with bill of lading attached. See sight draft under DRAFT. [Blacks Law 8th]
S.D.abbr.Southern District, in reference to U.S. judicial districts. [Blacks Law 8th]
scyra (shy-r<<schwa>>), n.[Law Latin “shire”] Hist. 1.A county; shire. 2. A county’s inhabitants. [Blacks Law 8th]
scutagio habendo.See DE SCUTAGIO HABENDO. [Blacks Law 8th]
scutage (skyoo-tij), n.[fr. Latin scutum “a shield”] Hist. 1.A monetary payment levied by the king on barons as a substitute for some or all of…
S.Ct.abbr.1.SUPREME COURT. 2. Supreme Court Reporter. [Blacks Law 8th]
scrutator (skroo-tay-t<<schwa>>r), n.[Latin fr. scrutari “to search”] Hist. A bailiff or officer who enforces the king’s water rights, as by supervising wreckage, flotsam, and jetsam;…
scruet-roll (skroo-<<schwa>>t-rohl).Hist. The record of bail accepted in a habeas corpus case. [Blacks Law 8th]
scroll,n.1. A roll of paper; a list. 2. A draft or outline to be completed at a later time. 3. A written mark; esp., a…
scrivener’s exception.An exemption from the attorney–client privilege whereby the privilege does not attach if the attorney is retained solely to perform a ministerial task for…
scrivener’s error.See clerical error under ERROR(2). [Blacks Law 8th]
scrivener (skriv-[<<schwa>>]-n<<schwa>>r). A writer; esp., a professional drafter of contracts or other documents. money scrivener.See MONEY SCRIVENER. [Blacks Law 8th]
scrivarius (skri-var-ee-uus).Law Latin. A notary public. [Blacks Law 8th]
scriptum indentatum (skrip-t<<schwa>>m in-den-tay-t<<schwa>>m). [Law Latin “indented writing”] Hist. An indenture. [Blacks Law 8th]
scripto vel juramento (skrip-toh vel juur-<<schwa>>-men-toh). [Law Latin] Hist. By writ or oath. • The phrase appeared in reference to the mode of proof required…
scripto (skrip-toh). [Latin] Hist. By writing. [Blacks Law 8th]
script. 1. An original or principal writing. 2. Handwriting. [Blacks Law 8th]
scrip dividend.See DIVIDEND. [Blacks Law 8th]
scrip. 1. A document that entitles the holder to receive something of value. See LAND SCRIP. 2. Money, esp. paper money, that is issued for…
scribere est agere (skrI-b<<schwa>>-ree est aj-<<schwa>>-ree). [Latin] Hist. To write is to act. “But now it seems clearly to be agreed, that, by the common…
scriba (skrI-b<<schwa>>), n.[Latin] Roman law. A court or office clerk; a scribe; a secretary. • In England, the scriba regis was the king’s secretary. Cf.…
scribe. See SECRETARY(3). [Blacks Law 8th]
screen-scraping,n. Intellectual property. The practice of extracting data directly from one website and displaying it on another website. • The source website’s database is not…
screening mechanism.See ETHICAL WALL. [Blacks Law 8th]
screening grand jury.See GRAND JURY. [Blacks Law 8th]
screening committee.See COMMITTEE. [Blacks Law 8th]
scrawl. See SCROLL(3). [Blacks Law 8th]
scratching the ticket.A party member’s rejection of a candidate on a regular party ticket by canceling the candidate’s name or by voting for one or…
scrap value.See salvage value under VALUE(2). [Blacks Law 8th]
scrambling possession.See POSSESSION. [Blacks Law 8th]
scottare (sk<<schwa>>-tair-ee), vb.[Law Latin] Hist. To pay a tax. [Blacks Law 8th]