scale order.See ORDER(8). [Blacks Law 8th]
scale order.See ORDER(8). [Blacks Law 8th]
scale,n.1. A progression of degrees; esp., a range of wage rates. 2. A wage according to a range of rates. 3. An instrument for weighing.…
scalam (skay-l<<schwa>>m), n.[Latin] Hist. Scale. • Ad scalam was the method of paying money to the Exchequer, in which sixpence was added to each 20…
scabini (sk<<schwa>>-bI-nI). [Law Latin] Hist. Judges or the judge’s assessors in the court held by the count; magistrates. • The term was found in a…
scab. A person who works under conditions contrary to a union contract; esp., a worker who crosses a union picket line to replace a union…
S.C.abbr.1.SUPREME COURT. 2. Same case. • In former practice, when put between two citations, the abbreviation indicated that the same case was reported in both…
sc.abbr.SCILICET. [Blacks Law 8th]
S.B. See senate bill under BILL(3). [Blacks Law 8th]
savor,vb. To partake of the character of or bear affinity to (something). • In traditional legal idiom, an interest arising from land is said to…
saving-to-suitors clause.Maritime law. In the federal statutory provision granting admiralty and maritime jurisdiction to the federal courts, a clause that preserves the option to file…
savings note.See NOTE(1). [Blacks Law 8th]
savings clause.See SAVING CLAUSE. [Blacks Law 8th]
savings bond.See BOND(3). [Blacks Law 8th]
savings-bank trust.See Totten trust under TRUST. [Blacks Law 8th]
savings bank.See BANK. [Blacks Law 8th]
savings-and-loan association.A financial institution — often organized and chartered like a bank — that primarily makes home-mortgage loans but also usu. maintains checking accounts and…
savings-account trust.See Totten trust under TRUST. [Blacks Law 8th]
saving clause. 1. A statutory provision exempting from coverage something that would otherwise be included. • A saving clause is generally used in a repealing…
savings account.A savings-bank depositor’s account usu. bearing interest or containing conditions (such as advance notice) to the right of withdrawal. [Blacks Law 8th]
saving,n. An exception; a reservation. [Blacks Law 8th]
saver default (say-v<<schwa>>r di-fawlt). [Law French] Hist. To excuse a default. — Also spelled saver de fault; saver defaut. “Saver default is the same as…
save-harmless clause.See INDEMNITY CLAUSE. [Blacks Law 8th]
save-harmless agreement.See HOLD-HARMLESS AGREEMENT. [Blacks Law 8th]
save harmless.See HOLD HARMLESS. [Blacks Law 8th]
save,vb.1. To preserve from danger or loss <save a ship in distress>.2. To lay up; to hoard <save money>.3. To toll or suspend (the operation,…
sauvagine (soh-v<<schwa>>-zheen). [Law French] Hist. 1.Wild animal. 2. Wild nature of an animal. [Blacks Law 8th]
SAUSA.abbr.Special Assistant to the United States Attorney. See UNITED STATES ATTORNEY . [Blacks Law 8th]
saunkefin (sawn-k<<schwa>>-fan). [fr. Law French sang quifin] Hist. End of blood; the failure of a line of succession. [Blacks Law 8th]
Saturday-night special. 1. A handgun that is easily obtained and concealed. [Cases: Weapons 4, 8. C.J.S. Weapons §§ 9–10, 13–15.] 2.Corporations. A surprise tender offer…
satisfied term.See TERM(4). [Blacks Law 8th]
satisfactory proof.See satisfactory evidence under EVIDENCE. [Blacks Law 8th]
satisfactory evidence.See EVIDENCE. [Blacks Law 8th]
satisfaction piece.A written statement that one party (esp. a debtor) has discharged its obligation to another party, who accepts the discharge. — Also termed certificate…
satisfaction of mortgage. 1. The complete payment of a mortgage. 2. A discharge signed by the mortgagee or mortgage holder indicating that the property subject…
satisfaction of lien. 1. The fulfillment of all obligations made the subject of a lien. 2. The document signed by the lienholder releasing the property…
satisfaction of judgment. 1. The complete discharge of obligations under a judgment. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 2398; Judgment 874–899. C.J.S. Judgments §§ 656–676, 678–692.] 2.…
satisfaction of debt.See SATISFACTION(1). [Blacks Law 8th]
satisfaction contract.See CONTRACT. [Blacks Law 8th]
satisfaction,n.1. The giving of something with the intention, express or implied, that it is to extinguish some existing legal or moral obligation. • Satisfaction differs…
satisdatio (sat-is-day-shee-oh), n.[Latin fr. satisdare] Roman law. Security given by a person, such as a debtor, through a surety. Pl. satisdationes (sat-is-day-shee-oh-neez). [Blacks Law 8th]
satisdare (sat-is-dair-ee), vb.[Latin fr. satis “sufficient” + dare “to give”] Roman law. To give security in the form of satisdatio. See SATISDATIO. [Blacks Law 8th]
satellite state.See client state under STATE. [Blacks Law 8th]
satellite litigation. 1. One or more lawsuits related to a major piece of litigation that is being conducted in another court <the satellite litigation in…
sasine. See SEISIN. [Blacks Law 8th]
SAPJ. See senior administrative patent judge under JUDGE. [Blacks Law 8th]
sapiens naturam delicti (say-pee-enz n<<schwa>>-t[y]oor-<<schwa>>m di-lik-tI). [Law Latin] Hist. Partaking of the character of a delict. [Blacks Law 8th]
sap,n. A club, a blackjack, a hose containing rocks in the middle, or any other object generally used as a bludgeon. [Blacks Law 8th]
sans recours (sawn r<<schwa>>-kooror sanz ri-kuur). See WITHOUT RECOURSE. . [Blacks Law 8th]
sans jour (sawnzhooror sanz joor). [Law French] Hist. Without day; SINE DIE. See ALLERSANS JOUR. [Blacks Law 8th]
sans impeachment de wast (sanz im-peech-m<<schwa>>nt d<<schwa>> wayst). [Law French] Hist. Without impeachment of waste. [Blacks Law 8th]
sans frais (sawnfray). [Law French] Without expense. [Blacks Law 8th]
sans ce que (sanz see k<<schwa>> orsawn s<<schwa>> k<<schwa>>). [Law French] See ABSQUE HOC. [Blacks Law 8th]
sanity hearing. 1. An inquiry into the mental competency of a person to stand trial. [Cases: Criminal Law 623. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 549, 551–557.]…
sanity. The state or condition of having a relatively sound and healthy mind. Cf. INSANITY. [Cases: Mental Health 3.1, 432. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 549–554.]…
sanitary code.A set of ordinances regulating the food and healthcare industries. [Cases: Food 1; Health 354.] [Blacks Law 8th]
sanguis (sang-gwis), n.[Latin “blood”] 1.Roman law. Blood relationship. 2.Hist. Consanguinity. 3.Hist. The right of a chief lord to judge cases involving bloodshed. [Blacks Law 8th]
sane memory.See CAPACITY(3). [Blacks Law 8th]