Finding a Judges Oath of Office


How to Locate the Oath

First make sure you know the specific judge’s name and jurisdiction. You will need this information to be able to narrow down the search, as well as interact with necessary agencies to locate it!

  1. State Secretary of State’s Office:
    • In many states, the Oath of Office for judges is filed with the closest Secretary of State to the court. If it were me I would go in person to request a copy. If there isn’t on record it likely means they do not have one filed. Ask to see if they can provide a certified letter or correspondence in regards to the lack thereof.
  2. Check Judicial Conduct or Ethics Boards:
    • Some states have judicial conduct commissions or ethics boards that may maintain records of oaths or ethical obligations for judges.
  • Public Access: Generally, oaths of office are a matter of public record, but the ease of access can vary significantly by jurisdiction.
  • State-Specific Procedures: Keep in mind that each state may have different procedures for recording and maintaining Oaths of Office, so it may be useful to check the specific laws or regulations in the relevant jurisdiction.


Reference Information

Per RCW 3.50.097 Judge’s oath – Bonds, oaths for municipal court judges “shall be filed in the office of the county auditor.” For the address of your county auditor, check the county government pages of your local phone book, or the Web sites – Washington Counties page of the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington (MRSC) Web site.

Judges’ oaths are filed differently depending upon the court level.

Superior Courts
Per RCW 2.08.080 – Oath of office, oaths for superior court judges “shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state.” The address is:
Secretary of State
Archives and Records Management
P.O. Box 40238
Olympia, WA 98504-0238

Municipal Courts
Per RCW 3.50.097 Judge’s oath – Bonds, oaths for municipal court judges “shall be filed in the office of the county auditor.” For the address of your county auditor, check the county government pages of your local phone book, or the Web sites – Washington Counties page of the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington (MRSC) Web site.

Purpose of Obtaining the Oath of Office

purpose here…

Use Case Scenarios

Supporting Cases for Contextual Reference

District Courts
Statute does not specify where a district court judge’s oath of office is to be filed. This appears to be an oversight and filing such oath with the county auditor, consistent with the requirements for municipal courts should be a safe procedure. The court may choose, absent specific direction, to maintain those records in the court. Maintaining a record of regularity in proceedings and facilitating public access to the record should guide the choice about where to file the oath.
See also Answer ID 1433: Locating the Oath of Office of a new judge.

Where can I find a certificate of appointment and oath?
A Certificate of Appointment and Oath of Office form in PDF format is available from the Washington State Secretary of State’s Web site. See the Oaths of Office by Court Level section below. Please note that the oath of office for many judicial officers is not the same as the oath for other elected officials.
Oath of Office for judges – Wa…

28 U.S. Code § 453 – Oaths of justices and judges
Each justice or judge of the United States shall take the following oath or affirmation before performing the duties of his office: “I, ___ ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as ___ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”

(June 25, 1948, ch. 646, 62 Stat. 907; Pub. L. 101–650, title IV, § 404, Dec. 1, 1990, 104 Stat. 5124.)

Welcome to the world of fiction!

The United States government and the state government and all of their agencies and subdivisions such as the city, county, boroughs and townships and banks are corporations. SEE, Corpus Juris Secundum (CJS) heading for “government.” All corporations are fictions or artificial persons created under the authority of the law (SEE, Black’s Law Dictionary, “corporations”), and all such corporate fictions are established by a set of rules called by-laws. Public (government) corporations use the term constitution as the name of their by-laws, which are nothing more than an offer to the people of the forum the government intends to use to govern…………………….. The American private sector, although included within the offer, were never given the offer to officially vote for or against nor to make an official acceptance or rejection. Thus, no contract involving private Americans as a party to the Constitution exists. A contract, in the modern sense of the word, has been defined as an agreement containing a promise enforceable in law. The term “agreement” implies that there are at least two parties involved, since one party cannot agree to a proposition unless it is made to him by another party. The term further implies that one party proposed a promise or offer to which the other party agreed or accepted. Thus, an agreement is the result of an offer by one party and an acceptance by the other party which creates a binding contract.
If you’ve been to court over any kind of issue, you have already seen that the Constitution is non-existent. A judge will tell you that Constitution doesn’t mean anything in his/her court. The judge may even threaten you with a charge of ‘contempt of court’ when you even mention the Constitution. A Attorney/lawyer will tell you that they don’t use the Constitution and the same is said by tax collectors and police officers. Well, they are just withdrawing the offer to you [the American private people] simply because you, we, the private sector, have never formally “accepted” their offer. Whether the offer is the United States Constitution or the Constitution of the state government corporation (a/k/a, “…this state”) near where we live our private lives. Nor has the private sector ever formally accepted the oath of any government worker to uphold and defend the Constitution, which is required by the law [their law] upon taking office. It appears to be a “MUST” that we formally accept the constitutions as well as the oath of office of any public servant, i.e. government worker, that we may be forced to do business within their official capacity.
.Our private property has been taken by forced registration and recordation into [corporate] government records, which casts upon the private sector an onslaught of [corporate] government regulations and taxation. If the state government or any of its political subdivisions caused to be registered or recorded anyone’s private property and then invokes its powers to regulate and tax the private property of one of the private sector, such action is a violation of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment . . .”nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law.”
But wait — we are a party to the alleged constitution(s) – are we? What is the purpose of a [or any] constitution? Answer: to serve as a operations manual, operational guidelines, binds for those who choose to be “Public Servants.” Remember your sovereign status – your consumer status – and unless [emphasis on “unless”] you have opted into being subject to something, the something doesn’t have [legitimate] control over you. “Contracts make the law – all law is contract.” Consider the 13th Amendment.
And here is the secret decoding –
it really doesn’t matter what Constitution we’re talking about — the question to whomever -AFTER- duly [look up, “duly”] accepting their alleged constitution and oath [“to preserve, protect, and defend … so help me God”] is: “Is there something by or through your alleged Constitution that compels My performance?” — If yes, “…then please enter it into the record of this matter.” If no, “…then what am I doing here? Is there some manner of contract that is controlling?” Can they show that you knowingly, willingly and voluntarily after full disclosure signed on to something that bears the other party’s signature as well? (See, jurisdiction.)F.Y.I.: Any elected or appointed official or Attorney refusing to honor an acceptance of their Oath is simply impersonating a public official.
[Texas] Penal Code 37.11 Impersonating a Public Servant – 3rd degree felony.
(mandate since 1935 from Washington is that all the state governments standardize their state rules, procedures and statutes. References given here use the Texas code, however there are equivalent sections in each of the other state rulebooks from which to derive similar authority)

One can also see, 18 USC Sec. 912, 01/03/95; EXPCITE:
TITLE 18 – CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, PART I – CRIMES, CHAPTER 43 – FALSE PERSONATION; HEAD: Sec. 912. Officer or employee of the United States.
STATUTE: Whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States or any department, agency or officer thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money, paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. See this and this for more information.
The following is a quote from a book called,

by Thomas James Norton, (1941), America’s Future, Inc., publisher:

“In the Fifth Amendment the Nation is forbidden to deprive any one ‘of life, liberty or property without due process of law’; and here the like command is issued by the people to the State. In the beginning it was National power that was feared. Experience later taught that the power of the State also may be tyrannical. Due process of law means, said the Supreme Court in a late case (1908), that ‘no change in ancient procedure can be made which disregards those fundamental principles . . . which . . . protect the citizen in his private right and guard him against the arbitrary action of the government.’
Private property is taken, for public use in opening streets in cities, in constructing railways and canals, in erecting public buildings, in laying out public parks, and for kindred purposes. The owner cannot be deprived of his property for such purposes by the State without due process of law, that is, without a full hearing and adequate compensation.”

Public versus Private
The next subject of importance is to learn to distinguish between public and private. The term “public” (adj.) in common meaning is sometimes used to refer to the entire population. In [the] strict legal sense the term “public” only applies to government political and municipal corporations and to no one else. Found in Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Edition, page 1195, defining “private” as affecting or belonging to private individuals, as distinct from the public generally, not official; not clothed with office. SEE, People v. Powell, 280 Mich. 699, 274 N. K 372, 373. In other words, if you are not in, or of, any office or government such as public school teacher, administrator, bank personnel at any level, police, fire officials or any type of city, county, state or federal government worker, military, – in other words, subject to the US constitution, then and only then are you a private citizen and a part of the private sector.


In regards to protecting oneself from “abusive” public servants: check out the [your] State laws on “stalking” and “exploitation” as well as “neglect to protect” provisions in State law [upholding and enforcing the law by parties under Oath of Office] as well as Title 18 USC §1621 concerning the “neglect to protect” by persons under Oath, and Title 42 USC § 1986, wherein a person having “knowledge of the law”, “the power to stop a wrong” and the “duty to prevent a wrong from being done” is liable for any failure to act. Should they fail to prevent a wrong, having knowledge of the law, the power to prevent, and the legal or moral duty to prevent the wrong, which causes deprivations of your religious and/or civil rights or Liberties, suit can be brought for violations.



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