Peace & Blessings: Hello my fellow brothers & sisters of this network. For some time I’ve been trying to acquire a step by step process to discharge my hospital bills, which have since sky rocketed to an all-time dollar amount especially having recently suffered 2 mini strokes amongst having already had 4 heart attacks. Anyway, I’ve tried to solicit the assistance by means of this network but honestly speaking it seems everyone has an agenda, has gotten greedy or ridiculous with their prices. Folks, I am a SPC, in my 60’s, currently in federal court on a CAFV, on a limited income, I mean I get $1366.00 monthly nothing to hide and I am willing to pay monthly. But I can’t afford to pay anything exuberant. So I implore anyone with a conscientious and a good heart to please reach out to me so that I can learn what’s required to discharge my debts, please this is my e-mail address: goshinryuoutlook.com. or 678-886-5408. Please do not reply with cryptic messages, kindly be specific and clear in your responses.
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