Best way to respond to a mortgage servicer to skip a payment

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Mortgage or ForeclosureBest way to respond to a mortgage servicer to skip a payment
Philip Tucker asked 7 years ago
If I am current for the month on my mortgaage but see I will not be able to make this month's paymentshould I call the servicer and try to work something out or take another action? This company is Carrington Mortgage Servicer and I have been studying some of the information about dealing with mortgage companies and servicers. But the information is associated with people who are several months behind on their payments and /or in foreclosure or at least 30 days late which i potentially see this month. I just wanted to see about skipping a payment without a 30 day late on my credit report. This is a Servicer but the answer machine identifies them as a debt collector. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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