Can someeone please help me make this wronfful conviction matter public in order for the end of justice will be met on my behalf, as well as many order immigrants victimize by former corrupt D.A. Patricia D'angelis?
Ygord: Beliard SECURED PARTY CREDITOR, UCC Filing Number: 201403210151353. Private Organization # 8249. RE: NEW PUBLICATION ARTICLE OF WRONGFUL CONVICTION. To: Good day to you, Sir/Madam, fellow Sovereigns, and/or, Secured Party Creditors: THIS IS MY STORY!!! This is a follow up of my recent question posted regarding the matter of a wrongful conviction. Nonetheless, I am seeking any possible available help that I can receive on obtained justice. And, by bringing to light this matter of law and justice to the court of public opinions.
- I would like to first elaborating on the subject that I was not indicted by a Grand Jury for this crime for which I now stand convicted. A Grand Jury voted a True Bill Instrument on January 30, 2003, under Indictment Number 03-1015, implicating Edmond Joseph and Steve Val as the perpetrators of the crime. They were previously also implicated in a similar crime that occurred on October 17, 2002, for which a Grand Jury also voted a True Bill Instrument under Indictment Number 03-1006.
- On October 2002, two assailants, Mr. Edmond. Joseph, or "Edmond E. Joseph" (hereinafter E.J) and Mr. Steve. Val, or "Steve R. Val"-[deported]/(hereinafter S.V), were arrested and/or, charged for a similar incident, nevertheless, according to an Attorney retained by my family on February 27, 2003, Mr. Greenstein, they had a weak case against Mr. E. J, such that D.A. DeAngelis needed my help to convict Mr. E. J. As a result, Mr. Greenstein, offered me a deal of six (6) months/time served to plead to a violation on condition that "I write a statement indicating that Mr. E. J had confessed the Oct 2002 alleged crime to me". Then to make sure that I would not have any further contact with Mr. E. J, they moved him from the Rensselaer County Jail to the Albany County Jail. Once I refused to commit perjury, Mr. Greenstein began lecturing me about refusing the best deal of a life time, and how the D.A. was his girlfriend and that he can have her do anything for him. He further stated that the D.A. doesn't want me, she wants Mr. E. J. I stood my ground and refused to make false statements regarding a matter that I did not witness. As a result, Mr. E. J was found not guilty of these charges, but Mr. S.V was later convicted and sentenced to seven (7) years imprisonment. Then, all of a sudden, I was implicated in the second incident that initially involved these same two co-defendants.
- After, Steve Val's arrest his girlfriend Ashley Carroll, an interested witness, implicated my person leading investigators to me. As stated in the Narrative Supplement of Detectives, Cooney, John J. III, and Fountain, Ronald J, dated January 30, 2003, "Began work on suspect 'billy'. Contacted Detective Vanpelt 71 Precinct, NYPD. He confirmed location of 41 Lincoln Rd as 341 Lincoln between Rogers Ave and Nostrand. He will follow up with me on Billy, JM, 5'1, gap between the teeth. 71 prec 718-735-0501. Brooklyn SVU 718-230-4414." Interestingly both I and Steve Val, are about the same height and have a gap between the teeth. However, on Saturday February 15, 2003, I was subjected to a warrantless, illegal arrest (kidnapped), after being pointed out by Lionel Jean who was also a friend of Steve Val and Carroll. Lionel Jean was already known as an informer for Detective's Vanpelt. On Sunday the 16th of February, 2003, I was picked up by Troy Police Detective's (Cooney, John J. III and Thomas Dean), sometime between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. However, according to the NYPD, One Police Plaza FOIL Unit, there isn't any record of an arrest by the 71st Precinct, neither does the Troy Police Dept FOIL Unit have any record that said arrest occurred, but Det John Cooney J, testified during a court proceeding (page # 31) that he first met me on February, 22nd or 23rd, (this was a Sunday) at the 7-1 precinct in Brooklyn, New York City. Questionably the information that was forward to the New York State Criminal History Division Department, is that I was arrested on February 23, 2003, in the City of Troy, Rensselaer County, New York. (See Exhibit-A; Paragraph 3.)
- Prior to the illegal/kidnapping/arrest on February 15, 2003, a N.Y.S. Police Forensics Investigation Center DNA report, dated January 27, 2003, having examined a Sexual Offense Evidence Collection Kit from the alleged victim Jakara Martin, (hereinafter J.M), bearing Lab case# 02HL-05447, Agency case # 43822, Item 5c Light blue pants, page 2 of 5 testing record, stated that "Chemical screening for the presence seminal fluid-Positive; quantity insufficient for DNA analysis," and it also states that "Chemical screening for the presence of blood-Positive, Quantity Insufficient to Confirm Human Origin," and was signed on page 5 of 5 by Assistant Director of Biological Science Forensic Investigator, Julie A. Pizziketti. In addition, on February 21, 2003, further examination was conducted by Timothy J. Goble, Forensic Scientist I, indicating that an alleged human Hair-Positive, root with tissue present, and was later confirmed to be a positive match with the alleged victim person's DNA Item 1H1-4. (See Exhibit-B; Paragraph 4.)
- Also, a Lab report dated April 9, 2003, bearing lab case # 02HL-05447, Agency Case # 43822, on the third paragraph of page 6 of 7, states that: "The STR DNA mixture from the pants - blood stain (item 5C) is consistent with DNA from an unknown male, "John Doe," as the major contributor admixed with DNA from at least one additional donor."On page 7 of 7, a two heading ruled identification chart matching "Evidence Source" with "Item Number" of biological specimen bags stored at the New York State Forensic Investigation Center identifies Steve Val as item # 11A1. However, on page 6 of 7, paragraph 5, it is stated that Steve Val was excluded. Yet, on page 4 of 7, on the side of another forensics chart where item 5C/pants/blood stain is referenced, it is written, "Beliard Blood stain 11A1." Even more Questionable is that this lab report dated April 09, 2003, was prepared approximately 14 to 15 months prior to 02/07/2004, the date on which an evidence property report was logged by Property Officer Jodi A. Loss, as receiving my blood sample, and this is the same handwriting on page 4 of 7 identifying the blood stain on the pants as belonging to me, although item # 11A1 identified Steve Val as the Evidence Source. Even more suspicious is that on February 07, 2004, about fourteen (14) months after my warrantless arrest/kidnapping, three (3) vials of blood were taken from me, through an order issued by Judge Patrick J. McGrath on January 14, 2004, and promptly after D.A Patricia D’angelis, the A.D.A. Mark Portin and A.D.A. Jennifer Shatz, were more than ready for trial even though they could not have gone to trial within the SIX (6) MONTHS required by law. (See Exhibit-C; Paragraph 5.)
- These allegations were corroborated by evidence in the record that was previously withheld from me by the State prosecutor, my trial attorney and subsequently my appellate counsel. I also brought this matter to the attention of the F.B.I, U.S. Postal Services verified tracking number: 9114 9999 4431 3168 1536 08 the U.S. Attorney General's Office, case file number: 3078101, The U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review EOIR WF ID: 133080/ES WF ID:3020742-31, and the Office of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties, Compliance Branch for ICE/DHS. (See Exhibit-D, E, F; Paragraph 6.) (exhibits A-W submitted to the F.B.I., as mentioned in the correspondence dated June 02, 2015, are available upon request)
- Nonetheless, admissions emanating from undisputed allegations in affidavits submitted to the State Courts, State legal authorities, and my (former) court appointed appellate attorney, Eugene P. Grimmick, along with his replacement, court appointed attorney, Eric K. Schillinger Esq., confirm the fact that I was prosecuted under a fictitious indictment. (See Exhibit-G, H, I, J; Paragraph 7.) (exhibits A-I submitted to former appellate attorney, Mr. Eugene P. Grimmick, as mentioned in the correspondence dated February 19, 2015, are available upon request)
- The flagrant pattern of prosecutorial misconduct in my criminal case proceedings, starting from my arrest - illegally bound and charged, then tried and convicted under a fictitious indictment (Ind. # 03-1015), makes this judgement of conviction null and void, and of critical importance is the fact that the Rensselaer County District Attorney's office has failed to produced any proof of a valid indictment after submitting a Writ of Coram Nobis Petition dated April 26, 2015. Such that, my due process rights, were violated and this fraudulent conviction cries out for justice. (See Exhibit-K, L, M; Paragraph 8.)
- History of corruption within the Rensselaer County District Attorney's Office is a matter of public record, and I am not the first, nor the last to have reported instances of prosecutorial misconduct to the Committee on Professional Standards and this office has the power to see that Justice is done by conducting a proper and swift investigation against D.A Patricia D'angelis, but instead it showed prejudice against me by turning a blind eye, and a deaf ear to my cries for justice. (See Exhibit-N; Paragraph 9.)
- Notably, my request for their intervention was dated Six (6) years after a North Country Gazette News Report, dated October 16, 2005, indicated that "In the last two years, DeAngelis has been reversed at least four times by the State Appellate Division, twice for prosecutorial misconduct and once for lack of knowledge of the law, and she was adminished for prosecutorial misconduct before a Grand Jury in 1998 and has just recently received a "CONFIDENTIAL" letter from the "COMMITTE ON PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS," the disciplinary agency for attorney's, for inappropriate behavior", yet no one had the moral gumption to see that Justice was done in my case because "it just another minority Haitian immigrant in prison who's going to get deported and the problem will go away". (See Exhibit-O; Paragraph 10.)
- The State of New York, Attorney General's Office has deliberately denied me Justice in keeping with the law, and the State courts are discriminating against me as a non-citizen pro se litigant, in deportation proceedings, hoping to dispense of the matter through deportation, thus hiding the misconduct of trusted New York State legal authorities, and/or, legal professionals and their cohorts within the New York State Court(s) System by persisting with the cover up of a wrongful conviction and unlawful imprisonment while awaiting the opportunity for my removal out of the country so that this injustice could be swept under the rug. (See Exhibit-P; Paragraph 11.)
- Needless to say, the framers of the immigration legislation designed it so that a non-citizen convicted of a crime, cannot argue his innocence before an Immigration Judge, and once the Immigration Judge decides that the individual is deportable based on that conviction and subsequently detained by ICE, it is extremely difficult to avert deportation. (See Exhibit-Q; Paragraph 12.) Is this what the Fourteenth Amendment meant by equal protection under the laws of the United States?
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