Capital Letters
This question might seem stupid but sometimes the fine details can be more important than we realize, so while I'm at it I might as well ask one last question so I can stop clogging up the airways lol. In the Redemption Manual, the Notifaction of Record and the Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement both show the "united states of America" with the lower case "u" and "s" both being underlined, seeming to be very clear on what to capitalize and what not to. In the definitions section it shows "united States of America" with only the lower case "u". The definitions aren't shown to be included in the UCC 1 collateral section but the other documents are shown to be included and referenced by item number. The continuity isn't consistent and it begs the question of whether or not these are actually different terms. If "United States of America" is different than "united States of America", then is "united States of America" also different from "united states of America"? And the follow up... Everything talks about the ALL CAPS NAME on the birth certificate, (pretty much being the main/only evidence that the trust even exists or was ever created...) but upon reviewing my birth certificate, it shows upper and lower case letters much more closely resembling the natural name described in the book rather than the trust name. Is this something I should be concerned about? Thank you to everyone who took the time to read all my stuff and anyone who can offer answers or advice.
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