Filing UCC1 for under age children
Hi, I am a secured party creditor private banker and I would like to file UCC1 for my under age children to protect them from the evil agencies. They are the beneficiaries of my Estate already but I need to file UCC1 for them as well. I need the language to put under colletral section so that state will not be able to dictate their future. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Kindest regards...
1 Answers
Best Answer
I believe there is verbiage in the content or articles section of this website should one want to admit that their children are commercial property... If you signed them away with the application for birth certificate when they were born, the deed along with the SS5 is what created the fiction of law and gave the state title to your children.
The obvious answer would have not to have done so. There is a story that has gone around for years of the family that had three of their children taken (I believe for lack of vaccinations)... Next day, child services brought one back and said "This one is not ours"... that child did not have a birth certificate because he/she was born at home and the BC was not applied for. Any time something is "Registered"... at least partial title to that property is given up. Vehicle, name, child, etc. If I had minor children still at home, I would take control of the items that gave the state title over my children... B/C and SSA. I have not heard of anyone using their forms in commerce to successfully do such a thing. I believe one must move to Equity.
The obvious answer would have not to have done so. There is a story that has gone around for years of the family that had three of their children taken (I believe for lack of vaccinations)... Next day, child services brought one back and said "This one is not ours"... that child did not have a birth certificate because he/she was born at home and the BC was not applied for. Any time something is "Registered"... at least partial title to that property is given up. Vehicle, name, child, etc. If I had minor children still at home, I would take control of the items that gave the state title over my children... B/C and SSA. I have not heard of anyone using their forms in commerce to successfully do such a thing. I believe one must move to Equity.
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