How do I stop paying taxes

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General QuestionsHow do I stop paying taxes
Lea asked 1 year ago

After becoming an SPC, I erronously decided to open up a payment plan with the IRS to pay taxes I owed in 2022. I want to stop paying it now. How would I go about this? I also unfairly owe money this year as well but I know as an SPC I don't have to file a tax return, right?

Please don't refer me to or any website in which I'd have to pay. I have a basic free account with them already and it costs $228 for the annual member subscription which I have to get in order to get my specific question answered. Besides, the information they give is long and tedious, and I need a more direct answer. I don't see the point in signing up with Sovereignconnection just to be referred to another website to pay again.

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