How to dismissal Traffic Ticket
I was pulled over in vegas on my motorcycle a few hours after purchase. I do not have a motorcycle license and I politely asked both officers for a supervisor. Upon asking one of the officers assualted and detained me forcefully brusing my arms and wrists badly. He also threw my onto the hood of his car in 120 degree vegas heat which burned my skin (pictures for everything) I am wondering how I get all of this dismissed as stated in the traffic section without having to appear in court. The charges were as follows No helmet $1k (thought nevada had no helmet law) no reg 1k no tag 1k no m license 1k no insurance 1k change lanes w/o sig anyway there were a few more but im not going to dig out the paper they were all moving violations.. The supervisors (whos name was never written down) told me I was going to jail. I informed him that there was no law stating they could take me to jail over traffic tickets. At most they could impound my bike.. The supervisor then told me that he was unable to ID me (after I provided him with 3 forms of Identification) and that I was going to be booked as a John doe. I was booked etc and released now trying to get al of this dismissed. Thanks!
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