Kiddnapping Claim HELP.
I believe I have fallen victim to a large identity/kidnapping conspiracy within my own town. This has started from the age I was in preschool. I will easily be able to prove this as they were entering me into schools, community things, and other stuff that required LEGAL NAMES and they were all false names in an attempt to establish illegal identity under the kidnappers “last name” Anyway to elaborate on this very serious issue/case. This is a very difficult subject to work with in Maryland because the kidnappers (generally strange man) are protected by the mothers by various means wether fiannce extortion drugs whatever or all of them even.. Anyway if you are under your mothers custody in maryland even if the person has kidnapped you, you may never be any the wiser either… Also it’s hard to retro on this because the mother is protected as “guardian” status… In conclusion my initial thoughts were to write a notarized letter to all parties involved (criminal and civil defendants). This would include everything that has happend and all documents from various businesses and public entities that would be obligated to give me the documents exposing the fraud… The magnitude of this fraud is incredible. I even had the local sheriffs department including a corporal and a Female Deputy that I was “lying” and that they “didn’t believe me” I asked them if that was valid legal groups to no file kidnapping charges for kidnapping? I also informed them that I found it very rude and disrespectful for a peace officer to disrespect and dishonor a citizens word over such a serious offense. I was very careful to record all the officers names, ranks, and id #’s. I even had these people they were “hanging up” when I was simply trying to ask who I should contact about a kidnapping charge? Hang up? These officers that were contacted will be key players later in all of this the way I am thinking. I could be wrong but once I include them in the document and state what has happened they will be key players in the case.. here is a link to the maryland statue!!!! As you can see there is so many loop holes for kidnappers/ predators!
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