Looking for guidance
First off I am very new to the community though of I known of it for some time. I just now got to a place where I can file everything and move into this new life. I do have books one and two and I am a member of this group (Sovereign Connections). And I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I do need help.
I do understand, first and formost, this is not some money thing or get rich quick. I know the bond is for discharge, "safty Net" that I do not plan on ever needing but nice to know its there. This is not about money but a new life that is free from the bonds that we had forced on us as childern unknown to many of our parents.
What I need is help on where to find info and a help making a road map that I can travle. I need first and formost to reclaim many things that many state (Califorina) so called officals have of mine. Applying my Superior Claim. One of my biggest things holding me back are the messed up systems in Cali. I know that If I could reclaim what is mine, my ability to breath a little better will come.
And also, On the site I have started reading the Right to Travel. I was a Mechanic and a good little fool and use to go to the DMV and all that. How do I get ride of my lience and State ID? Discharge/ Reclaim my rights? One thing I was also lead to understand about this is that 1) I don't need to registar my car but I do need Cali exempt plates: 2) I Don't need to pay for insurance but need some proof of the ability to pay if I am at fault: 3) Not a Drivers lience (since I don't need permission to travle) but I do need an ID (Which I am getting thru Make Freedom asap)
Another point I am trying to understand is how I start my own company. How do I interact with the IRS to tell them to back off or stay away, that I do not wish to contact with them... How do I work with people that do not believe as we do (who are still blind to the truth) if one of them is a business partner. (Mind you the man I am trying to start a business with I have known since 6th grade and he helped me sign my SPC work. I do trust this man that much. He is family and he shares that view point.)
And there is much more.
MY end game that I am trying to work to and hope that I can do in the next year is simple: I want to be in control of my life to the point that I can Give my mom and dad a good retirment. I would like to be able to be in the place where I can own my home and support them (Mind you though my mom is in her mid 60s, works in the same ICU in the same hospital for over 21 years and her stoping anytime soon... not happening. They will have to retire her she loves helping.) I want to own my company and get it started. Along the way, Help and give back to those who have helped me thru my hard times over the past 10 years. But I know I can't do any of this unless I help me first. I need to reclaim everything that was taken from me.
I have the map in front of me... I know where I want to go. I am just overwhelmed by everything making it impossible (At the moment) to get there and I feel so very lost. If there is anyone that has been here and knows this pain, at least say it because just knowing I'm not alone in this makes a difference too even if you can't help set me on the right path. I do plan on gettng the rest of the books. (Just sucks cause out of the 3 ways we learn, Reading was my worst and Doing was my best. Seeing it was ok. But this is not something I can learn by just doing it cause I know how bad it can come back to bite me.)
Thank any and every one who took the time to read this. Any support or help on creating this map for me so I can find my way, Again, Thank you.
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