Need Volunteers
Hi, We are reaching out to our community on here for help with a project to make the site better! Without further ado here is what we need: We need people to reference all of the questions in a specific criteria and create articles that explain all of the content of that criteria in a single piece of work. Such as Articles on: Discharge of Debt
Trusts and Trust structure usage
and so on... Anyone creating such an article can submit it to us for publishing and will be awarded 1000 points which is equal to $10.00 of onsite credit. Articles must be at least 1500 words and be well put together. If revisions are necessary we request a revision of the articles. Even more importantly you are helping the community and others learn more easily as the content will be easily relocatable in a single location!! This should also help to get rid of repeat questions, or at least reference those questions to the articles that are on site. Thanks and we look forward to your help. :)
Trusts and Trust structure usage
and so on... Anyone creating such an article can submit it to us for publishing and will be awarded 1000 points which is equal to $10.00 of onsite credit. Articles must be at least 1500 words and be well put together. If revisions are necessary we request a revision of the articles. Even more importantly you are helping the community and others learn more easily as the content will be easily relocatable in a single location!! This should also help to get rid of repeat questions, or at least reference those questions to the articles that are on site. Thanks and we look forward to your help. :)
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