New SPC Questions

texvet asked 6 years ago

Hello all

I am New to SPC (almost a month from filing UCC-1), I try to soak up information as much as possible.

I think you can leave your SPC Trust Private or get a EIN number and make it more public. (correct me if I have it wrong)

As of right now I am leaving it private, but have many questions on process dealing with DMV, Passports, Tax filing..etc...

The SPC Trust is identified by your Birth# and SS# the Creditor is unnumbered, non-tax paying and a non-person.

I just ordered my (4 pack IDs)

  1. How do you fill out the 1040 (the correct way)?
  2. How do you fill out DMV ID renewals (the correct way)?
  3. How do you fill out the passport renewals (the correct way)? I know the Creditor should be able to freely travel, but the Debtor will definatlly get detained by the low level workers, without a passport.
  4. If I get a EIN do I stop filing on the SS# (My strawman still receives SS Disabilty)?
  5. Can you get a EIN and still keep it private? and then depending on the situation use the SS# or the EIN?
  6. Later I will try to discharge my mortgage (current and in good standing)

  7. Is it better to send the 30 day payoff presentment directly to the Treasury or deal with the Mortgage company? Anyone here has completed this that would, lend a hand?
  8. Thank you for any help...sometimes it is overwhelming.

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