Public Servant Questionnaire (REC ALL MEMBRS READ!)
Hello Friends, I know this is not techincally a questions however I felt as if it is extreamly important to post this message in frantic times. Anyone that has not gave a glace to the new "Operating Secured" book I highly recommend it. There is a "Public Servant Questionnaire in the book that is a very great document. This document can be used in any confrontation with PUBLIC SERVANTS. If you're feeling daring you can even pass this document out to public servants at random. I have new videos coming online (raw no edit footage) of some very terrorizing things. I will post an update soon one they are uploaded to the Youtube. God Bless and stay tuned everyone. If you would like a copy of this document feel free to get in touch but I may state that I will have to hear a reply (permission) from sfs before I can pass this document to anyone! Stay safe and anyone that's on here that's young remember cameras are your best friend and they WILL save you nearly EVERY time. I highly recommended carrying multiple camera devices and record. You will be amazed..
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