SPC and debt
Im very new to this. I just got my filing paperwork back from sov filing solutions to become an Spc. Im working through debt elimination right now. There seems to be alot of floating information (or misinformation) and just trying to get some clarity. Is there any working method where you can eliminate debt by linking the letter that appears on the back of your social security card to the fed reserve bank and using that routing with the combination of your treasury direct number (social w/o dashes) as the account number? Ive also heard of the routing for the Bureau of National debt with TD number for the account number? If neither of those are applicable what is the best and most effective way to discharge debt of the debtor strawman? (Credit cards, car loan, utility bills, etc.) Any and all information on where to get started and build from would be great. I did purchase the redemption manual #2 Operating Secured but havent made it all the way through. It did however say to refer to this site for tips and methods of offsetting debt.
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