SPC ID Traveling/tickets
Isit bestt usemy SPC ID. While traveling onthe NYC Streets in my automobile? And can iuse a promissory note template details with info to discharge a ticket for my strawman andon. Theback of. My SPC iD there. Is. Constructive. Notice stating my. Exemption from fines,,fees,taxesetc please help me???$pc/$overeign family with love&peace over&out imdiving back DEEP in my studies thx& GOD bless
4 Answers
Best Answer
Any identification will work when traveling as long as you know your rights, with the exception of a state issued license. A state issued license or ID shows intent to contract and that you are within their jurisdiction. The key factor is the knowledge to defend your rights that is important not the ID. The ID can be helpful to establish your standing though such as the SPC ID, but in and of itself will not protect your rights.
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