update and question

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General Questionsupdate and question
PJericho asked 6 years ago

I have sent the $78k IPN to Chase for discharge.

They sent it back saying they don't accept IPN's. It was stamped "Payoff Dept with date"

I sent it back asking them to zero the balance

They sent it back to me a second time showing what methods of payment they accept. They don't deny the IPN is valid.

I sent it back to reminding them that an "IPN is a discharge instrument, that this is a Trust issue and they have the fudiciary responsibility to bring the balance to zero".

They did not contact me again (they now have the IPN) but a debt collector's letter reminded me of the debt payment due. (two months behind today) There is ambiguity in their language and no mention of the IPN issue with Chase. My wife is concerned about credit score issues. etc. Both our names are the debt. She is not sovereign/ SPC.

I believe that UNCITRAL law trumps policy and I have acted with honor through this process. I want to bring them into a probate court partly because the Plaintiff gets to pick the venue. Having said that I know that too many people (Judges included) do not understand this world of sovereignty we are learning and growing in. I believe there are several paths I can take but need guidance on the best one at this point. Anyone??

Thank you,


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