Where are the serious people?
I am finding out that this web site is just a generalized site for beginners information. What i need is some one to teach me as I go alone learning simply how to operate securely. Every simple thing in life from dealing with traffic stops to signing paychecks to setting up a trust account and learn how to move the the ledgers without fraud . Operating honestly and not having to have the IRS take my earnings illegally under the common law as a flesh and blood human created by THE REAL G-d. I need to get an agent and pay him to help me achieve SPC status and learn how to operate there of . Any one interested? Please contact Jean at 561 445 1748 The laws are changing minute to minute so the old manuals and paper work are not very useful any more . So the ways of operation must change also. Please help. I am in need of a serious person. Not a student.
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