Why is this not in the manual? Reference to the last question. I'll type it in the box below.

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Discharge of DebtWhy is this not in the manual? Reference to the last question. I'll type it in the box below.
Jean Bayardelle asked 10 years ago
I_________, warranted contracting officer to the under written Ens Legis, accept for value return for value in accordance with House Joint Resolution 192 , Public Policy 73-10 of 1933. In memory of account #555-55-5555 . Under Employnment # 55555-5555 . By my signature below. i invoke the United States obligation to dischcarge all the people's debts, public and private and grant this office all authority to pursue discharge (u.c.c. 1-207) /s/___________ Auth. Rep " FIRST AND LAST NAME", ENS LEGIS. Why is this left out of the manual in which and inmate wrote this down for me and used it to discharge a bill under non SPC and it worked, My understanding is that I can only discharge a certain amount of debt not being SPC.  " it worked"

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